Film - Big Issues

Back in the day when I worked at the agency and could afford to shop in Waitrose, I’d often have a quick chat with the Big Issue Vendor who stood outside.

When I got back to my desk, I’d wonder what his story was. I had an idea to take the questions they ask celebrities in the Guardian magazine, and film the Big Issue vendor answering them.

Once I’d got my (tiny) camera and my Macbook, I asked him if he’d do it, and he said yes straight away. We filmed it round the back of Waitrose, and I went home and taught myself to edit.

What I love about this film is Rob’s honesty and how the limitations of the technology (the sound) meant I had to put the camera really close to his face. His beautiful eyes and body language of his face tell the real story.

There was something about the film that made me want to do something with it.

I saw that John Bird, the founder of the Big Issue was delivering a key note speech at a social enterprise competition in Leeds, so I got on the judging panel so I could meet him.

After a day of not daring to approach him, I threw myself at him as he was leaving and offered him a lift to the train station, which he accepted. I locked the doors and made him watch the film.

A few weeks later his P.A rang me to invite me to meet John at his member’s club in Soho.  He introduced me as a ‘film maker’ which I was horrified about. I sold him the film for £500.

On the train back I wrote my resignation letter and set up Silent Cities.

“You have a unique ability to expose the innate beauty of human beings.”

John Bird MBE, Founder of the Big Issue, 

FilmJustine Gaubert